The Pierina gold mine has transformed landscapes, livelihoods, and community water systems in highland Peru. ©Adam French

The Pierina gold mine has transformed landscapes, livelihoods, and community water systems in highland Peru. ©Adam French

Mining, Water, and Rural Livelihoods

The magnitude of the mining industry's impact on freshwater resources and its role in the transformation of mountain ecosystems and livelihoods demands attention. I have examined mine-community relations in Peruvian watersheds, especially strategies of attempted mine entry into rural communities. I have also collected testimonies about the mining sector's impacts on ecosystems and water quality through household surveys, interviews, and participatory risk-mapping activities. I am particularly interested in the links between mining, water contamination, and public health.

Representative Publications

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Rasmussen, M., French, A., & Conlon, S. (2018) Conservation Conjunctures: Contest and Consent in Peru’s Huascarán National Park. Conservation and Society, 17(1): 1-14.

French, A. et al. (2016) Coyuntura Crítica: Cambio climático, globalización, y la doble exposición del sistema socio-hidrológico de la cuenca del Río Santa, Perú (written in Spanish by first author). In Julio Postigo and Kenneth Young (eds.), Perspectivas Socio-Ecológicas, Actividades Productivas y Cambios Globales en América Latina. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.

French, A., Barandiaran J., & Rampini, C. (2015) Contextualizing conflict: Vital waters and competing values in glaciated environments. In Christian Huggel, Mark Carey, John Clague, and Andreas Kääb (eds.), The High Mountain Cryosphere: Environmental Changes and Human Risks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.